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Mari State University
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
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Courses available in English
Course name
Short description of discipline, competence, list of subjects studied within a discipline
Course type
Total amount of hours
Course of business communication
Records management and archivistics.
Profile: Records management and document support of management
(Institute of National Culture and Intercultural Communication)
Staff of firm. General meaning cliché. The rules of business letter issuance. The telephone conversation. Foreign company representations.Recommendations. Employment interview behavior.
Document linguistics
Official style, operational aspect, normative aspect, history aspect. Common principles of official documents editing
Management of personal documents
Execution of staff organization of labour. Execution of transfer to another job. Execution of holiday entitlement to staff. Execution of appraisal of employees. Execution of imposition of disciplinary penalty to staff. Execution of incentive for staff
The language of electronic archive and documents
The resources of organizational technics. Computer technologies of preparing of text documents. Computer technologies of preparing of tabulated document. The language of document. The letter as an instrument of communication. Computer technologies of document information search
Maintenance of staff documentation
Management operation records. Documenting systems. Structure, tasks functions of staff records management. Rules of internal work arrangements. Staff schedule. Types, disposition and contents of documents. Classification of documents of organization. Normative documents of staff department. Documenting of staff activity. Establishment of work relationship, staff movement.
Language of mass communication
International relations
Profile: Gobal policy and international business
Army. War Hostilities. Arms. Weapons. Situation in the world. Interview “Diplomat”. Brief news. Unrest. Clashes. Strikes. Revision. Review of the article.
Business letter writing
Address to companion. Staff of firm. General meaning cliché of business correspondence. The rules of business letter issuance. The telephone conversation. Foreign company representations. Recommendations. Employment interview behavior. Reclamation. Types of organizations. Offer. Letter of inquiry. Bargaining strategy. Ordering. Electronic communication. Paying. Note of charges. Collection reminder. Advertisement. Job application form. Searching staff announcement
Theory and history of diplomacy
Conception of diplomacy. History of Russian diplomacy. Correlation of external policy and diplomacy. Diplomacy and diplomatic service. International legal basis of diplomatic service. Evolution of diplomatic methods. Features of modern diplomacy. Basic forms and methods of modern diplomat work. Negotiation process. Diplomatic service of foreign countries. Diplomatic protocol as an instrument of external policy.
Advertisement and public relations
Profile: Advertisement and public relations in commercial sphere
MSM in our life. Press and freedom of speech. Information message. Role and function of title. Advertisement. The largest newspapers and journals
Theory and practice of mass communication
History of appearance and development of journalism. The main genres of print MSM. Radiobrodcasting in modern information society. MSM in market environment. TV in the system of mass communication.
Stylistics and literature editing
Stylistics of text. General problems of literature editing. Logical basis of text editing. Editor’s work on the language and style of author’s material. Preparing of advertising speaking engagement
International law
Jurisprudence Profile: state-legal, civil, criminal legal
(Faculty of Law)
International right concept, subject of regulation, constituent territories, norms, sources, International right fundamental principles. International Justice.
Child rights protection
Jurisprudence Profile: state-legal, civil, criminal legal)
(Faculty of Law
International law guarantees and protection of minors
The basic international legal acts and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation that determine the minors’ status
Constitutional, legal and civil state of minors in modern international law and in Russia
Juvenile justice system creation in modern international law and in Russia
Human rights and international-legal protection of human rights
The United Nations Organisation and human rights
The International Bill of Human Rights
Regional conventions on human rights
OSCE human dimension
Human rights. International cooperation for mass human rights violations combating
Medical Biochemistry
(Faculty of Biology and Chemistry)
Amino acidmetabolism.Nitrogen elimination mechanism in humans. Cholesterol transport and functions in humans. Lipoproteins participation in cholesterol transport. Cardiovascular pathology. Oncogenesis (Tumorigenesis). Oncogenes, proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (antioncogenes). Tumor diagnosis principles. Hepatopathy.
Molecular Biology
Nucleic acids. Gene composition. Nucleic acids metabolism. Gene expression.
Proteins. Enzymes. Nucleic acids. Protein metabolism. Carbohydrates. Bioenergetics. Lipids. Vitamins. Cellular metabolism regulation principles.
Modeling as the main Biophysics method. Kinetics of enzymatic processes. Fermentation inhibition. General characteristics of enzymatic reactions reversible inhibition. Characteristics of the main biological membranes functions. General characteristics of substance transport through biological membranes. Metabolites transport through biological membranes by protein transporters.Reactive oxygen species. General characteristics of photobiological processes. Ionizing radiations and their properties.
Mitochondria.Protein-transporters family ofmitochondria inner membrane anions. (Mitochondrial) Respiratory chain. NADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) co-enzyme Q-reductase. H+-ATP(Adenosime-triphosphate)-synthase. Osmotic activity byDmH+. Redox-regulation of mitochondria energetic functions.
Kinetics and Thermodynamics of enzymatic reactions
Laws of Thermodynamics. Kinetic experiment. Kinetics of composite reactions. Kinetics of enzymatic processes. Fermentation inhibition. Enzyme inactivation.
Biochemistry research methods
Preparatory methods
The main experimental methods
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Proteins and enzymes. Vitamins. Carbohydrates. Lipids.Metabolic fates of substance and energy conversion. Carbohydrates decomposition and synthesis. Lipids decomposition and synthesis. Protein catabolism peculiarities.Molecular-biological aspects of genetic information storage, transportation and realization.
Enzyme structure and general properties.
Mechanism of enzyme action.
Kinetics of enzyme catalysis.
Temperature and pH effect on enzyme strength.
Enzyme strength regulation.
Practical enzymology.
Mechanisms of universal pathological phenomena.
Protein and amino acid metabolism.
Renal function tests.
Oncological diseases. Oncogenesis (Tumorigenesis).
Lipid metabolism.
Cardiovascular pathology.
Carbohydrate metabolism.
Hepatic function tests.
Medical biochemistry of endocrinopathy.
Medical biochemistry of gastrointestinal diseases.
Purine metabolic imbalance.
Comparative typology
Pedagogical education.
Profile: Foreign languages (Faculty of Foreign Languages)
The subject of comparative typology and its aims. Language type and the type of languages. Comparative typology of Russian and English.
Speaking and Writing Practice of the First Foreign Language (English)
The foreign language standards;
Culture-historical relies; the foreign language speaking countries etiquette standards;
The foreign language listening, reading, speaking and writing skills;
The main communication grammatical structures, more used in oral and written speech.
Theory and practice of translation and interpreting
Russian-English/English-Russian translation . General theory of translation. Problems of description of translation process. Types of translation transformation. Basis of special theories of translation. Preparing translator for translation making
Communicative grammar
Communicative Grammar of English language. Amount or quantity. Definite and indefinite meaning. Relations between ideas expressed by nouns. Restrictive and non-restrictive meaning. Time, tense and aspect. Frequency. Place, direction and distance. Manner, means and instrument. Cause, reason and purpose. Condition and contrast. Degree. Role, standard and viewpoint. Comparison. Addition, exception and restriction. Subject matter: about and on.
General linguistics
(Language science)
Profile: Practice and Theory of Translation
(Faculty of Foreign Languages)
General linguistics (language science) as the Humanities course and its place in the scientific knowledge system about the human being. Social activity basics of verbal communication. Social language stipulation. Language and thinking challenge. Language and cognition. Language as the system-structured formation. Phonology. Grammar. Lexicology. Linguistic typology. Linguistic universals. Applied linguistics. Language research methods.
Introduction to the intercultural communication
Objective: to take into the details of the course basic notions and terminology, its main problematics and to develop cultural understanding and capability to the right interpretation and/or tolerance to different cultures.
Theoretical grammar
The course is connected with the skills development of linguistic analytical understanding, mastering information on the synchronous and diachronousunits development and language signs composition, making linguistic analysis at the different language levels, mastering the main linguistic research techniques, the theory of language units and their functions.
Objectives of the course: to form theoretical knowledge about the English vocabulary system and its functions.
Business communication with foreign partners
Objectives of the course: to form capability and readiness for the intercultural communication. The course provides for the foreign language communication focus. It is supposed to reach certain competence level that means the skills to associate means of language with concrete aims, situations, conditions and conversations, meetings and conferences targets.
translation course of the first foreign language
General Principles of Translation. Source Text Analysis. Types of Correlation between Words in Source Language and Target Language. Scientific and Technical Texts. Context and its Role in Translation. Workbook Text. Translation of Words Having No Correspondence in TL. Text of Instruction. Translation of Phrases. Text of Encyclopedic Article. Lexical Transformations. Text of Business Letter and Documents of Private Persons and Legal Bodies. Grammatical Transformations. Mourning and Informational Texts of Newspapers and Magazines. Translation of Specifically English Grammatical Forms and Constructions. Text of Essay.Translation and beginning of interpretation of texts on social and political topics.
Source Text Analysis and General Translation Strategy Formulation. Objective Difficulties of Interpretation. Precise and Basic Information. Modality. Mnemonic Exercises: Words, Number Sequences, Toponyms. Interlingual and Intercultural Differentiation in Elements Identification of Subject, Attribute Presentive and Logic Meaning. Actions and their influence on Translation. Language lacunas.
Translation and interpreting of the first foreign language
Interpreting note-taking. Training and Real Interpretation. Professional (formal, written, informal) and Common Translation. Mnemonic Exercises: Interpreter’s Attention. Translation Transformations: Compression, Decompression. Basic, Combined and Subsidiary Types of Interpretation. Paragraph and Phrasal Interpretation.
Conversation practice of the first foreign language
Analytical Text Reading. Cursory Reading of Literary, Social and Political and Special Texts. Discussion on Political, Special, Literary and General Topics. Reports and Speeches on Political, Special, Literary and General Topics. Retelling in Russian and a Foreign language of a Text Read or Heard in a Foreign Language. Oral summary or reviewing of a Foreign or Russian Text (Latter in a foreign language only). Written exposition (annotating or reviewing) of a special Text or a resulting document. Lexical and grammatical Exercises. Work with audio and video records.
Practical course of the first foreign language (English)
Science history and methodology
“Intercultural communication theory and practice”
The “History and methodology of the Science” course’s aim is the following:
to give essential information on general principles of the methodology of the Science, history, tasks and aspects of language scientific study in linguistics; traditional and modern research methods and techniques used in linguistics practice;
to provide students with theoretical and practical tools for individual linguistic research.
Society speech activity
The aim of the course is to provide for post-graduate students systemic insight into the concept of communication verbal activity, speech mechanism; into effective achievement of final communication objective.
System- structured languages peculiarities
The aim is to provide for students insight into languages consistency, definite organization of language elements, existence of certain systemic relations between language units, specific features of structural factors in languages.
Cognitive linguistics
It is aimed to coach postgraduates, armed with professional knowledge in applied linguistics, including topics of modern linguistics, intercultural and interlingual communication,and linguistic universal topics.
National culture speech behavior specific
Objective is to form a basic idea that is universal and cultural-specific in communication, to give special tool, which will help to analyze verbal and communicative behavior of an act communication participants, to show potential areas of communicative failures, to demonstrate conceivable ways in national mental-lingual complex research and discourse as such and in comparison, and toacquaint with new scientific discipline – cultural linguistics, with its main postulates,scientific methods of enquiry and results according to present knowledge.
Theory of diplomacy and modern diplomatic system
International relations. International policy and transnational business
The establishment of modern diplomacy. Equilibrium theory and formation of modern diplomacy. New theories of world order and development of diplomacy: permanent diplomatic missions, international organizations. Diplomacy crises in 20 century, multilateral diplomacy
International security of energy supply
Conceptual aspects of security. Globalization of security of energy supply problematic. World energetics and security. New paradigm of security of energy supply. Russia and international security of energy supply in context of Washington and Pekin models of globalization. Problems of European energy security. Scenario of development of world energetics during two decades of 21 century
National-technological component of modern international relations
National and technology cooperation as an instrument of external policy. Informatization, telecommunication, internet in the sphere of world policy and international relations. International cooperation in the sphere of information security. Space activities in the context of multilateral diplomacy. Nuclear problematic in the context of international policy and security. International cooperation in the sphere of education. New technologies and international terrorism. International programs of technological cooperation and aid.
Spectral test methods in Biochemistry
Spectroscopic study in Biochemistry.
Modern spectral analysis capabilities.
Careful colorimetric detection conduction peculiarities.
Kinetic analysis.
Infrared spectrophotometry.
Photobiology theory.
Energetic compounds Chemistry
The course is connected with chemistry and energetic characteristics of high-energy compounds and compositions on their basics.
Courses available in German
Records management and archivistics. Profile: Records management and document support of management
Settling of official documents texts
Basic requirement to settling of official documents texts. Language and style of official documents. Distinctions of business style. Business letter. Classification of official documents. Organization of work flow. Basic requirements to documents.
Information-reference documents
Inquiry. The place of information and reference documentation in the management of organization. Acts. Protocols. Staff report, official notes and explanatory notes. Management letter.
Creation of commercial papers
Bescheid. Kaufvertrag Lieferverzug Reklamation, Mängelrüge, Beanstandung. In der Firma, Bestellungsannahme, Auftragsbestätigung. Angebot. Das Protokoll. Briefe an das Finanzamt. Anfrage, Aufforderung, Voranfrage. Bewerbung . Klare Gedanken, klare Struktur, klare Texte. Zusammenstellung der Geschaeftsbriefe.
Role of mass communication in life of society. Genres of publicistic style, it’s structure and features of language. TV and radio.
Language of electronic means
Information. Message. Interview and interrogation. Speech individuality of electronic MSM. Influence of foreign MSM on language of French MSM. Possibilités de l’emploi Online. Recherche de l’ Information. Discussion sur le sujet Internet.
Klischeewörter und –ausdrücke in der Fachkorrespondenz. Kongresse, Konferenzen. Dokumente. Der Vertrag. Die geschäftliche Korrespondenz. Handel.
Material basics of heredity; Chromosome theory of heredity; Genetics of sex; Regularities of special gene inheritance; Genetic maps; Genetic problems of ecology and developmental biology; Genetic selection basics, variability and classification.
Study of plant (phyto) genetics and breeding.
Mathematical methods in Biology
Computer models and automata theory. Mathematical methods. Dynamical systems. Stochastic processes (random dynamical systems). Algebraic biology.
(algae-vegetation and muhrooms)
020400.62 Biology
Plant cells. Plant organs. Plant reproduction. Plant Morphology. Plant Systematics. Microbiology. Phycology. Mycology.
Lichens, symbiotic organisms, microscopic alga, cyanbacterium, filamentous fungus.
The subject of comparative typology and its aims. Language type and the type of languages. Comparative typology of Russian and German.
Speaking and Writing Practice of the First Foreign Language
Culture-historical realias; the foreign language speaking countries etiquette standards;
Translation and history of culture. General theory of translation. Problems of description of translation process. Types of translation transformation. Basis of special theories of translation. Preparing translator for translation making
Communicative Grammar of German language. Amount or quantity. Definite and indefinite meaning. Relations between ideas expressed by nouns. Restrictive and non-restrictive meaning. Time, tense and aspect. Frequency. Place, direction and distance. Manner, means and instrument. Cause, reason and purpose. Condition and contrast. Degree. Role, standard and viewpoint. Comparison. Addition, exception and restriction. Subject matter: about and on.
Courses available in French
Information and document support
Official letter. Staff report, note explaining. Protocol. Extract from a protocol. Fax. E-mail. Telegram and telephone message
Presentation. Acquaintance. Address to companion. Staff of firm. General meaning cliché. The rules of business letter issuance. The telephone conversation. Foreign company representations.Recommendations. Employment interview behavior.
Basic concepts of linguistics
Advertisement and public relations Profile: Advertisement and public relations in commercial sphere
Historical development of languages. Classification of languages. Phonetics and phonology. Acoustic characteristics of speech sound
Translation Theory and Practice
The subject of comparative typology and its aims. Language type and the type of languages. Comparative typology of Russian and French.
Communicative Grammar of French language. Amount or quantity. Definite and indefinite meaning. Relations between ideas expressed by nouns. Restrictive and non-restrictive meaning. Time, tense and aspect. Frequency. Place, direction and distance. Manner, means and instrument. Cause, reason and purpose. Condition and contrast. Degree. Role, standard and viewpoint. Comparison. Addition, exception and restriction. Subject matter: about and on.
Courses available in Finnish
Modern Mari language. Part: Syntax
Profile: Native language and literature, foreign language.
Native language and literature, Russian language.
Native language and literature, elementary education
The purpose of discipline Knowledge: formation at students in the field of modern Mari language.
Syntactic link. Syntactic relationship in subordinating link. Word-group. Sentence. Structural pattern and semantic structure of sentence. Principal parts of the sentence. Subordinate part of the sentence. Definitive. Noun in apposition. Objective complement and it’s types. Difference between Objective complement and definitive. Adverbial and it’s types.
Types of simple sentence. Complete, incomplete and elliptical sentences.
Mononuclear sentences. Homogeneous parts of the sentence and it’s characteristics. Isolative parts of sentence, it’s distinctive characteristics.
Apostrophe, parenthesis and sentence. Grammatical nature of complex sentence. Classes of complex sentences. Types of speech transmission. Complex syntax unity. Period. Paragraph.
Mari language for beginners
Profile: Foreign philology (Mari language and literature, English language and literature)
Phonetics of Mari language. Grammar and morphology of Mari language. Dictionary. Practice of oral and written speech.
Courses available in Russian
Modern Mari language. Parts: Phonetics, lexicology, morphology, syntax, stylistics
Mari language as a mode of communication of Mari people. Vocoid. Contoids. Syllable Orthoepy. Emphasis. Orthography.
Lexical semantics. Homonymy. Antonymy. Phraseology. Lexicography.
Morphology as a accidence in grammar. Parts of speech. Noun. Adjective. Numeral. Pronoun. Verb. Participle. Adverbial participle. Adverb. Conjunction. Exclamation
The object of stylistics. History of stylistics of mari language. Syntactic link. Word-group. Sentence. Parts of the sentence. Types of sentences. Classification of sentences. Sentence analysis
History of Mari literature
(Institute of National Culture and Intercultural
Pre-revolutionary Mari writers. History of Mari script. Mari literature enlighteners. Pre-revolutionary Mari literature. Pre-revolutionary works of Mari writers. Postrevolutionary Mari literature
Profile: Native philology (mari language and literature, russian language and literature)
The object of stylistics. History of stylistics of mari language. Syntactic link. Word-group. Sentence. Parts of the sentence. Types of sentences. Classification of sentences.
Profile: Foreign philology (mari language and literature, english language and literature)
The object of stylistics. History of stylistics of Mari language. Syntactic link. Word-group. Sentence. Parts of the sentence. Types of sentences. Classification of sentences.
The Old Slavonic language
The Russian language and literature
(Faculty o History and Philology)
The concept of the Old Slavonic language. Phonetics. Vocabulary. Morphology. Parts of speech of the Old Slavonic language.
Practical course of the Russian language
(Faculty o History and
Principles of Russian spelling. Orthography. Syntax and punctuation.
Russian dialectology
Phonetics. Morphology. Vocabulary. Dialect lexicography. Syntax. Dialect division of the Russian language.
Modern Russian literary language
Phonetics. Lexicology. Lexicography. Phraseology. Morphology. Syntax. Punctuation
Practical studies on communication
Interpersonal communication Public speech. Dispute. Discussion. Logical and psychological techniques of controversy. Manipulative communication. Specifics of communication in the business sphere.
Russian stylistics and standard of speech
Language and speech, language and style. Functional styles of speech. The Russian literary language, its functional varieties. Literary norm. Bases of rhetoric.
Russian Teaching Methodology
The history of Russian Teaching Methodology. Russian Teaching Methodology. Russian language as an academic subject. Russian Teaching Methodology of the basic course unit.
Russian Teaching Theory and Methodology
The history of Russian Teaching Methodology.
Russian Teaching Methodology. Russian language as an academic subject.
Teaching Methodology of the basic course unit.
The word-stock and grammatical system enrichment of students’ speech.
Coherent speech: teaching of exposition and composition.
Mistakes in the writing language of students.
Open lessons on Russian language
Extracurricular activities on Russian language.
Russian language history
The question the Russian literary language origin of the Era of Russian language development.
The Kievan Rus' literary language. The Muscovy literary language (XV-XVII centuries). Russian language in the modern world
Modern Mari literature process
Literature process as a theoretical-literature concept. Mari literature of period relating to perestroika. Mari literature of the end of 20-beginning 21 century.
Pre-revolutionary Mari writers. History of Mari script. Mari literature enlighteners. Pre-revolutionary Mari literature. Pre-revolutionary works of Mari writers. Postrevolutionary Mari literatute
Courses available in Estonian
(Insitute of Pedagogy and Psychology)
Historical development of ethnopsychological conceptions in native and foreign researches
The main point of ethnopsychological phenomena
Functioning and display mechanisms of ethnopsychological phenomena
Ethnopsychological features of nations
Ethnic identity
Ethnic tolerance
Ethnic conflicts
Professionalism in international relations
Taking into account national-psychological peculiarities of pedagogical work in multicultural group
On December 13, 2021, for the first time, an intra-university student Olympiad in general hygiene and human ecology was held for foreign students (in English).
"Leaders of MarSU" is an open personnel project for talented and perspective students from all over the university