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Mari State University
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
Rector's Reception
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Representatives of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (Sarov) paid a working visit to our university.
Beginning in 1973, the Center for Nuclear and Radiation Physics of the RFNC-VNIIEF has been compiling experimental data obtained in the reactions of interaction of light nuclei with charged particles. Currently, the center is actively engaged in the collection and processing of data on the reactions of interaction of charged particles with nuclei, which play a significant role in the design and analysis of the results of the operation of thermonuclear devices.
As part of the Center’s activities, specialized databases are created and developed for specific areas of application: a database on gamma-formation cross sections on structural and fissile materials, a database on the interaction of charged particles with light nuclei, etc. The Center is actively involved in international nuclear data exchange activities.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics cooperates with many large universities in Russia, including the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Moscow State University. One of the directions of the Center’s work in the near future is the implementation of the state contract in the direction of its activities. The leadership of VNIIEF sees our university as one of the executors of this contract. Within the framework of the working visit, the Center’s representatives got acquainted with the capabilities of our material and technical base, conducted interviews with employees in order to identify the necessary competencies to perform a certain amount of work (writing software) on the terms of reference. We hope that this visit will be the first of many visits in the framework of the productive cooperation of our organizations.
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On December 13, 2021, for the first time, an intra-university student Olympiad in general hygiene and human ecology was held for foreign students (in English).
"Leaders of MarSU" is an open personnel project for talented and perspective students from all over the university