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Mari State University

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education



Project activities in the distance: coronavirus is not an obstacle

20.04.2020 10:24:00

It's no secret that in the conditions of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, a bet on the development of human potential is placed. Speaking at a meeting with participants of the World Youth and Student Festival on October 21, 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that people who are not just having a set of knowledge but possess soft skills are already becoming successful. He also emphasized the importance of project thinking. With this type of thinking, a person gains competitive advantages, being able to accumulate knowledge from completely different fields of activity and applying them in practice.

Young people need to be taught goal-setting and design, independence and responsibility for decisions made, their own constructive cooperation with participants in the implementation of the chosen path, predicting its consequences. This is especially true in connection with the requirement to strengthen practical training in education, which is provided by such a training method as designing. Thanks to designing, young people solve such problems as the search for new information, the acquisition of skills, abilities and knowledge, the analysis of theoretical knowledge and their use in practice, the formation of communicative and research capabilities. In this regard, at many faculties / institutes of Mari State University, the discipline "Project Activity" has been introduced into the educational process.

With the transition of education to an online format, employees of the department of scientific and innovative activity, having formed a project landing, help teachers adapt to the new conditions for organizing the educational process and jointly conduct classes on project activities using various digitalization options.

Do not forget that the next Forum Campaign 2020 will soon start, which will take place no matter what, as the directors of youth forums at the federal and regional levels assure. To date, the beginning of registration for the forum of young artists and artists of the Tavrida has been announced.

Online classes on project activities have already been held for students of IFF, ATI, FOiPO, MedF, IENiF.

You can apply for online classes on project activities as well as for individual or group online consultations when writing projects for grant competitions by mail: innov@marsu.ru

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