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Mari State University
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
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Students of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Pharmacy and the Faculty of History and Philology of Mari State University took third place at the final stage of the IQ PFD Volga Federal District Intellectual Olympiad in Saransk. For the first time in the seven-year history of the tournament the "What? Where? When?" team from Mari El managed to enter the top three teams.
On March 29, the "Boiling Point" held a seminar on "Stop Fake: Counteracting Technology", dedicated to the types and characteristics of disinformation in the media space.
On March 24, 2022 a case-study championship in philosophy and methodology of science was held for undergraduates. On this day the teams of masters had not only to immerse themselves in a number of situational tasks, but also to demonstrate the ability to discuss, analyze information and make a reasoned decision.
On March 21-22, 2022 a team of students of Medical Institute of Mari State University participated in the XI Volga Region Student Olympiad in Surgery, which took place in Perm, Russian State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner. The participants of Olympiad were 3-6 year students of medical and pediatric faculties of Volga Region universities.
Through thorns to the stars. At Mari State University, students take the path of learning with new knowledge, skills and development, and books and a modern library in the Pedagogical Institute building help in this. Educational and fiction books, a computer lab, a video conference room - everything for students.
How many wonderful holidays there are in our world that we haven't even heard of! The International Friendship Club is always eager to tell us about each of them! Nowruz is next! It is one of the most ancient spring holidays. It is celebrated on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox, and is considered to be a favorite holiday in many countries of the Eurasian continent.
HOLI Festival of Colours is an Indian folk festival celebrating the arrival of spring. The sweetest tradition of Holi celebration is to sprinkle one another with colored paints.
Finally, the full-scale Open House Day became a reality again, where the students of general and professional educational institutions of Mari El and their parents could get acquainted with the student life of the supporting university: they listened to lectures of teachers and scientists, stories of students-activists, visited classrooms, laboratories and museums.
On December 13, 2021, for the first time, an intra-university student Olympiad in general hygiene and human ecology was held for foreign students (in English).
"Leaders of MarSU" is an open personnel project for talented and perspective students from all over the university