University Announcements
On December 13, 2021, for the first time, an intra-university student Olympiad in general hygiene and human ecology was held for foreign students (in English).
The organizers of the Olympiad were Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Ecology Department of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Pharmacy Yagdarova Olga, postgraduate student of the Ecology Department of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Pharmacy Ovchinnikova Elena, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental Medicine, Deputy Director of the Medical Institute for work with foreign students Sairanova Maria and Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Life Safety of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Gavrilova Maria. The Olympiad was held in a distance format in 1 round.
In total, 274 students from the Institute of Natural Sciences and Pharmacy, the Medical Institute and the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Mari State University took part in the Olympiad.
The participants of the Olympiad had to solve 35 test tasks of different complexity levels, in a closed and open form in a distance format.
The winner of the Olympiad was a student of the Medical Institute:
- 3rd year student of the specialty General Medicine Kumar Sagar (scientific advisor - Yagdarova Olga, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Ecology Department);
The second place was shared by 2 students:
- 3rd year student of the Medical Institute, specialty General Medicine Gaunker Ashvin (scientific advisor - Sairanova Maria, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental Medicine);
- 3rd year student of the Medical Institute, specialty General Medicine Hinge Vishal (scientific advisor - Sairanova Maria, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental Medicine);
The third place was also shared by two students:
- 3rd year student of the specialty General Medicine Suresh Kumar (scientific advisor - Elena Ovchinnikova, postgraduate student of the Ecology Department);
- 3rd year student of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Pharmacy in the direction of training Ecology and environmental management Kholiqov Mehroj (scientific advisor - Olga Yagdarova, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the Ecology Department).
The results of the Olympiad are posted on the page of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Pharmacy on official web-site of Mary State University.
The organizers of the Olympiad wanted thank wholeheartedly the Senior Lecturer of the Applied Mathematics and Informatics Department of MarSU, Vinogradov Vyacheslav, for the creation of the Intra-University Student Olympiad in General Hygiene and Human Ecology page in Moodle and technical support.