Student Scientific Circle "Clinical Medicine"
On October 21, the student scientific circle (SNK) "Clinical Medicine" began its work under the leadership of the candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of fundamental medicine, a chief freelance specialist in the clinical pharmacology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Mary El Pasynkova Olga Olegovna.
Welcoming remarks were delivered by candidate of medical sciences, dean of the faculty of medicine Nikitin Viktor Sergeyevich who emphasized the importance of the student scientific movement in achieving high quality training of professional doctors.
Victor Sergeyevich expressed hope that students will take an active part in the scientific and practical development of the medical faculty.
SNK "Clinical Medicine" has combined the following medical areas: "Cardiology" (head Komandyshko Tatyana Alexandrovna, teacher of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2, head of the Geriatric Department of the Republican Clinical Hospital for War Veterans), "Radiation Diagnostics" (head Pasynkov Dmitry Valerievich , MD, Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Oncology, Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics, Republican Oncology Dispensary, Republican Oncology Center), “Therapy” (Elena Sokolova, a lecturer at the Department of Fundamental Medicine, a general practitioner at the Geriatric Department of the Republican Clinical Hospital of War Veterans, Republican Clinical Hospital of War Veterans), Geriatrics (head of the Department of Geriatrics at the Republican Clinical Hospital of the Veterinary Clinics, Republican Clinical Hospital of Veterans of the Clinics) "(Supervisor Pasynkova Olga Olegovna, MD, Ph.D., Clinical Pharmacologist, Republican Clinical Hospital for War Veterans GBU RME)
Also the issues of the Olympiad movement of the medical faculty were highlighted within the framework of the meeting, curated by Tatyana Alexandrovna Komandyshko. Tatyana Alexandrovna spoke about the planned olympiad projects of the Russian and international level in the 2019-2020 academic year, the preparation for which is already in full swing.
In the final presentation, Olga Olegovna Pasynkova, as an example of a clinical case demonstrated the importance of observing the stage of differential diagnosis of a patient with an undesirable drug reaction.
The meeting was held in the format of an interactive conversation, where each student could ask questions to expert teachers.
SNK "Clinical Medicine" invites all interested parties to the next meeting, which will be held on November 25, 2019.