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Mari State University
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
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On the 15th of April, 2022 in the building "P" of Mari State University with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation was held the Olympiad, dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the Russian Emperor Peter I, organized by the Department of National History.
The aim of the Olympiad was to develop students' cognitive interest and deepen historical knowledge about the role of Peter the Great and his transformations in the Russian history; develop students' patriotism, civic consciousness, interest to the history of Fatherland, and respectful attitude towards the historical past of Russia.
Among the participants of the Olympiad there were 49 students of I-V years of study from almost all faculties (institutes) of Mari State University. The Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology, Candidate of History, Associate Professor Aleksey Oshaev; the Head of the Chair of the National History, Doctor of History, Professor Anany Ivanov; Candidates of History, Associate Professors of the Chair of the National History Irina Almeteva and Alexander Filonov addressed the participants of the Olympiad.
The Olympic Games consisted of three parts: a test with a choice of one correct answer; tasks according to the text of the historical source; historical composition, devoted to different aspects of internal and foreign policy of the Emperor Peter the Great.
According to the decision of the jury the winner of the Olympiad was a student of the group OB-52, IPhF Romanova Alena Dmitrievna. Second place was taken by a student of IT-31 group, IPhF Yakovlev Michael. Third place was divided between a student of MI-42, INK&MK Nikitin Aleksey Ivanovich and a student of IT-21, IPhF Protasov Aleksey Sergeevich.
We congratulate diploma holders and wish new successes in the study of Russian history!
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On December 13, 2021, for the first time, an intra-university student Olympiad in general hygiene and human ecology was held for foreign students (in English).
"Leaders of MarSU" is an open personnel project for talented and perspective students from all over the university