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Mari State University
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
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On April 22, 2022 the XIV All-Russian Forum "Vivat, France! Students of Mari State University, pupils of general educational and secondary professional educational institutions of the Republic of Mari El took part in it. Students and pupils from the Republic of Tatarstan, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov joined the Forum. The event brought together over 350 participants speaking at various online and offline platforms. André Malraux Gymnasium No. 26 in Yoshkar-Ola became a partner in organizing and holding the Forum.
The main areas of the Forum were "Cultural and Creative Studio" and "Research Project".
Within the framework of the "Cultural and Creative Studio" there were Poetry Salon (Salonpoétique. Bellespagesdelapoésie), fine art competition (A l'atelierdupeintre), Festival of French Song "Chantetson" and others.
In the category Poetry Salon (Salonpoétique. Pagesd'ordelapoésiefrançaise) - recitation of French authors' poems in French - the winners were as follows:
Winner - Julia Bakhtina, student of 51 AF of FLF, Mari State University;
Diploma of II degree - Zulfia Salyakhova, student of LV-32, FLN, Mari State University;
Diploma of III degree - Anastasiya Rozhentsova, student of 31st AF of FLN, Mari State University.
In the category Poetry Salon (Salonpoétique. Pagesd'ordelapoésiefrançaise) - recitation of poems by French authors translated into Russian. The winners and runners-up were:
Winner - Ibrohimova Oydin, student LD 17, MI, Mari State University;
Diploma of II degree - Elvina Gilazutdinova, student of PE 12 MI, Mari State University;
Diploma of III degree - Abdullina Ilsiyar, 11th year student of LD, MI, Mari State University;
Maria Rais, 2nd year student of ME INKiMK, Mari State University.
In the fine art competition the work of Valeria Doinikova and Elizaveta Tereshina, the students of MI 11 INKiMK, Mari State University took the 3rd place.
The direction "Research Project" was represented by the following nominations, touching on the different cultures: History, culture, art, traditions of France, Russia, Mari El (Mondedemultiplescultures), World of books (PlanètedelaFrancophonie), Medicine without borders (Médecinesansfrontières), Amazing world of nature (Planètedeshommes), Ancient languages and intercultural communication and others. All the presentations were interesting and the speakers were convincing. It was difficult for the jury to choose the winners. In the end the prizes were distributed as follows:
In the nomination Planet Francophonie (PlanètedelaFrancophonie), the winner was the presentation in French "Lebanon in the family of Francophone countries" prepared by Barakat Salma Mohammat, a 1st year student of LD 17 of the Medical Institute of Mari State University;
Students of the Medical Institute - participants of nominations "Medicine without borders (Médecinesansfrontières)" and "Ancient languages and intercultural communication" presented research projects in Russian language:
Medicine without Borders (Médecinesansfrontières)" nomination:
Winner - Yulia Krasnova, student of LD 12, MI, Mari State University:
Diploma of II degree - Ibrohimova Oydin, student LD 17, MI, Mari State University,
Dilyara Khusainova, student of LD 25, MI, Mari State University;
Diploma of III degree - Andrey Mikhaylov, student of LD 15, MI, Mari State University;
Nomination "Ancient languages and intercultural communication":
Winner - Anna Ivanova, 4th year student, SIPA, Saratov State Law Academy;
Diploma of II degree - Julia Kamaseva, student of LD 11 MI, Mari State University;
Fedotova Vladislava, student of PE 12, MI, Mari State University;
Diploma of III degree - Kamaltdinova Yasmina, student of LD 12, MI, Mari State University;
Within the framework of the Forum, the section "Amazing World of Nature (Merveillesdelanature)" was working, in which traditionally the 2nd-5th year students of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Pharmacy of Mari State University performed.
The winner - Svetlana Rakhmaeva, the 2nd year student of IENiF;
the 2nd degree diploma - Natalya Dolgusheva, the 5th year student, Faculty of Philosophy;
Diploma of III degree - Razilya Gataullina, 4th year student, IENIF,
Suvorova Olga, 4th year student, IINF.
We congratulate the winners! We wait for the next forum with interesting reports and creative works. Thank you to the members of the expert committees, heads of research projects and curators of works on cultural and creative direction.
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On December 13, 2021, for the first time, an intra-university student Olympiad in general hygiene and human ecology was held for foreign students (in English).
"Leaders of MarSU" is an open personnel project for talented and perspective students from all over the university