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Mari State University
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
Rector's Reception
Admission office
Address: Yoshkar-Ola, Kremlevskaya st., 44 Tel: +7 (8362) 688-042 E-mail: inter_office@marsu.ru Head: Kanashina Natalia Nikolaevna
The International Department is a structural unit of MarSU responsible for the development and implementation of the university's international strategy, the development of contacts with educational institutions abroad, the organization of teachers and students exchanges, internships and other events in the field of international cooperation.
On December 13, 2021, for the first time, an intra-university student Olympiad in general hygiene and human ecology was held for foreign students (in English).
"Leaders of MarSU" is an open personnel project for talented and perspective students from all over the university