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ЕС в российской прессе

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 19.04.13

Vedomosti publishes an article by Yelena Khodyakova which reports on the European Commission's position on the possible exemption of the OPAL pipeline of the Nord Stream gas pipeline from the EU's third energy package.

The Moscow Times reports briefly that Finnish police have opened an investigation to find out who was responsible for including President Putin in a criminal blacklist.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports on the euro crisis in an article by Anna Roze.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta runs an article by Svetlana Gamova which reports on developments in Moldova and cites a statement by Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Dirk Schuebel on relations between the EU and Moldova.

In an article by Giovanni Bensi, Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports on the Italian Parliament's failure to elect the country's new President in the first vote.

Kommersant, in an article by Galina Dudina, addresses Germany's federal elections in September and mentions allegations that Chancellor Merkel might step down in 2015 if she wins the elections.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 16 April, 2013

Noviye Izvestia publish an article entitled New German Political Party is Against Euro Kommersant prints a story entitled Anti Euro Party May Cost Elections to Chancellor Merkel Vedomosty prints article entitled Lehman Brothers won't betray European investors Rossiskaya Gazeta runs an article Russia introduces meat ban

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 15 April, 2013

Vedomosty publish an interview with the director of WTO Pascal Lamy, entitled "Russia needed more time to get ready for WTO"

Vedomosty prints investigation article entitled "Is there any alternative to Cyprus?"

Nezavisimaya prints an article by Paul Krugmann of NYT entitled "European Leaders ignore anti economic logic."

Kommersant prints an interview with the Finland's Foreign Minister on the eve of his visit to Russia

RBK Daily runs an article by Andrey Kotov on EU MS initiative to exchange data on citizen's banking accounts

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 12 April 2013

Izvestiya publishes an article entitled Luxembourg Waves Accounts Anonymity Izvestiya runs a story called Foggy Vail about Putin's visits to Germany and the Netherlands

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 11.04.13

Nezavisimaya Gazeta publishes an article by Oleg Nikiforov which reports on the recent visit by President Putin to Germany and attitudes towards the Russian President in Germany.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta runs an article by Alexei Gorbachev which comments on a possible impact of the issue of a long-awaited border treaty between Russia and Estonia on introduction of visa-free travel between the EU and Russia.

In an article by Yelena Chernenko, Kommersant reports on Britain's visa rules for members of Russian official delegations ahead of the G8 summit.

The Moscow Times (AP) reports briefly that President Putin's name was mistakenly placed on Finland's secret criminal register.

The Moscow Times (AP) reports on ceremonies in Poland to commemorate the victims of the 10 April 2010 crash of the Polish Presidential plane that killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski and 95 others.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports on the euro crisis in an article by Anastasia Bashkatova.

In an editorial, Nezavisimaya Gazeta comments on the Transdniestrian conflict resolution and EU involvement in the process.

Kommersant addresses Bulgaria's stance on the South Stream gas pipeline project in an article by Mikhail Serov and Nikolai Marchenko.

In an article by Vladimir Dzaguto, Kommersant reports on planned talks between Slovakia and Russia's Rosatom on Rosatom's possible participation in the project of a nuclear power plant in Slovakia.

Novye Izvestia carries an article by Olga Gorbacheva on developments between Sweden and Belarus.

Izvestia, Kommersant and Rossiyskaya Gazeta report on the approval by the French Senate of the legislation which would legalize same-sex marriage.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 11.04.13

In a special supplement, called 'NG-Energy', Nezavisimaya Gazeta publishes articles which address the situation in European gas markets, Russian gas supplies to Europe and the issue of shale gas.

Vedomosti (Interfax) quotes Lithuanian PM Algirdas Butkevicius as saying that Lithuania does not plan to sign a new long-term contract with Gazprom after the construction of a LNG terminal in Lithuania by the end of 2014.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta, in an article by Daria Tsilyurik, cites a secret report by the Greek Finance Ministry which argues that Germany should pay Greece for the reparation of damages inflicted to the country during WWII.

In an article by Natalia Timashova, Novye Izvestia addresses the problem of unemployment in Spain.

Kommersant, in an article by Galina Dudina, reports on a scandal over lobbyists' contacts with Members of the European Parliament.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 10.04.13

Novye Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta and The Moscow Times report on President Putin's recent visits to Germany and the Netherlands.

Izvestia publishes an interview with Member of the European Parliament Werner Schulz which addresses German-Russian relations, the Russian law on NGOs, liberalization of the visa rules and the Cyprus crisis.

Ahead of the G8 Ministerial meeting in London, Kommersant publishes an article by British Foreign Secretary William Hague which focuses on an initiative on preventing sexual violence during conflicts.

Novaya Gazeta publishes an interview with Polish Ambassador to Russia Wojciech Zajaczkowski which addresses the investigation of the Polish Presidential plane crash near Smolensk, Poland's position on visa-free travel between the EU and Russia, missile defence and other issues.

RBK daily publishes a commentary by Arnaud Leclercq which addresses, among other issues, the Cyprus crisis and EU-Russia relations.

Novaya Gazeta, Nezavisimaya Gazeta and The Moscow Times (Reuters) report on Ukrainian President Yanukovych's decision to pardon former Ukrainian Interior Minister Lutsenko and EU-Ukraine relations.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta addresses developments between the EU and Belarus in an article by Anton Khodasevich.

In an article by Yury Paniyev, Nezavisimaya Gazeta provides Austria's and Luxembourg's positions on the bank secret.

RBK daily runs an article by Alexander Polotsky which reports that a Forsa poll for Handelsblatt revealed that 69% of Germans would like to keep the euro and 27% back the reintroduction of Deutsche Mark.

In an article by Mikhail Malykhin, Vedomosti cites the ILO World in Work 2013 report which revealed a deficit of 5.9 million jobs in the EU to return to pre-crisis employment rates.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 8 April 2013

Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports on President Putin's visit to the Netherlands on 8 April and bilateral energy cooperation in an article by Igor Naumov.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Novaya Gazeta, Novye Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta report on Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's decision to pardon several convicts, including former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, in the context of EU-Ukraine relations.

The Moscow Times publishes an article, entitled "EU Is Stuck in a Vicious Circle of Perpetual Crisis", by Yannos Papantoniou, which addresses the Cyprus bailout deal and the euro-zone crisis.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 1 April 2013

Novye Izvestia, RBK daily, Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Vedomosti address Cyprus' debt crisis.

The Moscow Times publishes an article, entitled "A New Business and Political Model for Cyprus", by Javier Solana, which comments on the Cyprus banking crisis.

Itogi weekly magazine publishes an article by Konstantin Ugodnikov which reports on Latvia's plans to join the euro in 2014.

Itogi publishes an interview with Latvian Finance Minister Andris Vilks.

Kommersant (Saturday's issue) reported on the situation in Slovenia's banking sector in an article by Tatiana Yedovina.

Kommersant (Saturday's issue) and Nezavisimaya Gazeta ('NG-Dipkurier') report on Ukraine's relations with the EU and Russia.

In an article by Polina Stroganova, RBK daily reports on an increase in Gazprom's gas supplies to Europe in the first quarter of 2013.

Kommersant carries an article by Alexei Tarkhanov which provides statements by French President Francois Hollande in a televised interview.

In an article by Arnaud Dubien, Nezavisimaya Gazeta ('NG-Dipkurier') reports on France's strategy in Africa.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports on developments around the formation of a new Italian Government in an article by Giovanni Bensi.

Kommersant-Vlast weekly magazine runs an article by Vyacheslav Belash on electoral success of little-known parties in some EU Member States.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta, in an article by Svetlana Gamova, reports on a proposal by Romanian Parliamentarians to grant Romanian citizenship to all Moldovan nationals.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta ('NG-Dipkurier') runs an article by Alla Yazkova on the Hungarian minority in Romania.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 2 April

Gazeta.ru portal and Interfax news agency quote head of the Directorate-General for Home Affairs of the European Commission Stefano Manservisi as saying that inspections of NGOs across Russia might affect the EU-Russia negotiations on the liberalization of visa rules.

In an article by Igor Dunayevsky, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports on the introduction by Croatia of visa rules for Russians as of 1 April in connection with the country's preparations for accession to the EU in July 2013.

Kommersant publishes an interview with head of the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Centre Claude Moniquet which addresses the threat of terrorism in Europe.

Izvestia, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Novye Izvestia and Vedomosti report on Cyprus' crisis.

Novye Izvestia runs an article by Sergey Manukov which comments on the economic situation in Slovenia and cites concerns that the country could become the next nation to need a euro-zone bailout.

In an article by Sergey Manukov, Novye Izvestia addresses the political uncertainty in Italy and its possible consequences for the EU.

Expert weekly magazine publishes an insert dedicated to the Northern Dimension.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 3 April 2013

Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Interfax) cites a statement by Russian Ambassador at Large Anvar Azimov who has called on the EU not to politicize the dialogue with Moscow on visa issues and not to link it to other issues, primarily human rights.

Kommersant publishes an article by Mikhail Serov which addresses President Putin's upcoming visit to the Netherlands and possible cooperation between Gazprom and Gasunie to enlarge the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta publishes an article by Sokhbet Mamedov which reports on the Nabucco-West concept.

Kommersant and Vedomosti report on the Cyprus crisis.

Kommersant and Novye Izvestia mention the resignation of Cypriot Finance Minister Michalis Sarris.

Vedomosti (Prime) provides unemployment rates in the euro zone in February.

In an article by Galina Dudina, Kommersant reports on the ratification by the Slovenian Parliament of Croatia's EU accession treaty.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 4 April

Rossiyskaya Gazeta publishes an article by Anna Zakatnova which reports on Duma speaker Sergey Naryshkin's visit to Finland and mentions the issue of EU-Russia discussions of visa-free travel.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 5 April 2013

Kommersant, Nezavisimaya Gazeta and The Moscow Times (Reuters) address plans to build a second branch of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline. Kommersant provides a reaction by the Polish authorities.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta (RIA-Novosti) cites briefly Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich's statement on Estonia's decision to deny visas to five Russian citizens.

Vedomosti reports on the Cyprus crisis in an article by Dmitry Kazmin and Margarita Lyutova.

In an article by Tatiana Zamakhina, Moskovsky Komsomolets mentions a fish row in the EU.

Kommersant, Nezavisimaya Gazeta and Rossiyskaya Gazeta on possible consequences of a scandal over former French Budget Minister Jerome Cahuzac's offshore bank account for the French Government.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 25 March 2013

Izvestia publishes an article by Maria Kiseleva which reports on discussions between the EU and Russia of aviation security regulations.

Novaya Gazeta publishes an article by Alexander Mineyev which cites Member of the European Parliament Kristiina Ojuland as having suggested that no steps should be made on relaxing visa rules between the EU and Russia without approval by the EU Member States of legislation banning Russian officials implicated in human rights violations.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta carries an article by Olesya Zakharova on Russia's relations with Europe.

Media provide broad coverage of Cyprus' financial problems.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta publishes an interview with former Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini which addresses European integration, the Schengen area, prospects for visa-free travel between the EU and Russia and some other issues.

Kommersant, in an article by Alexei Tarkhanov, reports on France's tax policy.

In an article by Yulia Kalachikhina, RBK daily reports on Britain's plans to toughen immigration rules.

Kommersant-Vlast weekly magazine runs an article by Vladimir Solovyov on political developments sin Moldova and EU-Moldova relations.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 26 March 2013

Rossiyskaya Gazeta publishes an article by Sergey Karaganov which addresses Cyprus' crisis, austerity measures in euro-zone countries and European solidarity.

In a special supplement, 'NG-Scenarios', Nezavisimaya Gazeta publishes an interview with Karaganov which comments on developments in Europe.

Expert weekly magazine comments on Cyprus' crisis in an editorial and in an article by Alexander Koksharov, Sergey Sumlenny and Dmitry Yakovenko.

Rossiyskaya biznes-gazeta publishes an article by Alexei Baliyev on Dutch investment in Russia.

In an article by Ariadna Rokossovskaya, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports on the Russian-Polish economic forum.

RBK daily, in an article by Andrey Kotov, provides Dealogic data on sovereign bond issuance from the euro-zone periphery.

Vedomosti (Prime) reports briefly that Gazprom has withdrawn one of its lawsuits against Lithuania – on the introduction of tariff regulation for Kaunas Heat and Power.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports on developments between the EU and Ukraine in an article by Tatiana Ivzhenko.

In an article by Yaroslav Shimov, Kommersant reports on Polish PM Donald Tusk's political plans.

Kommersant and Nezavisimaya Gazeta address Britain's plans to toughen immigration rules.

Vedomosti publishes a Wall Street Journal article which reported on complaints submitted by some telecoms operators to the European Commission over Apple's iPhone activities.

Expert publishes an insert dedicated to Wallonia.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 27 March 2013

Rossiyskaya Gazeta publishes an interview with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara which addresses Ukraine's relations with Russia and the EU (see also economic headlines).

Nezavisimaya Gazeta, in an article by Tatiana Ivzhenko, recalls a statement by EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger who expressed the EU's interest in participating in a trilateral consortium for the management of Ukraine's gas transportation system.

The Moscow Times carries an article, entitled "Ukrainian Threat to Buy More EU Gas Dismissed" (Reuters), which reports on Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller's reaction to Ukraine's plan to buy more gas from Europe.

Cyprus' debt crisis and the rescue plan are addressed by Kommersant, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Novaya Gazeta, Novye Izvestia, RBK daily, Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Vedomosti.

In an article by Konstantin Volkov, Izvestia reports on trade relations between the EU and Japan.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 28 March 2013

Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Vedomosti report on Cyprus' debt crisis.

The Moscow Times publishes an article, entitled "The Bankruptcy of EU's No-Default Policy", by Boris Kagarlitsky, which addresses the euro-zone solvency crisis.

Izvestia and Novye Izvestia cite EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele as saying that Croatia will be ready to join the EU on 1 July 2013.

In an article by Pavel Tarasenko, Kommersant addresses the terrorist threat in Europe.

Izvestia and Kommersant report on a diplomatic crisis between Italy and India.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 29 March 2013

Izvestia, Kommersant, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Novaya Gazeta, RBK daily, The Moscow Times and Vedomosti report on Cyprus' crisis and the re-opening of the country's banks.

RBK daily publishes an interview given to Handelsblatt by EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier which addresses Cyprus' crisis.

RBK daily publishes an article by Vladimir Pavlov which reports on the situation in Slovenia's banking sector and does not rule out that the country could become the "next candidate" for a bailout.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta mentions developments between the EU and Ukraine in an article by Tatiana Ivzhenko.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta runs an article by Vyacheslav Prokofyev which comments on British PM David Cameron's proposal to toughen regulation of the press.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta, in an article by Giovanni Bensi, reports on developments around the formation of a new Italian Government.

In an article by Vladislav Vorobyov, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports on the decision by the European Court of Human Rights which ruled that Estonia pay 50,000 euro to participants in protest actions in Tallinn in 2007 in support of the 'Bronze Soldier' monument.

Articles on the EU in Russian newspapers 14.03.13

Vedomosti publishes an article by Polina Khimshiashvili which reports on proposals to reform the procedure of European Parliament elections.

The Moscow Times publishes an article, entitled "Fatal Thaw", by Sergey Karaganov, which comments on 'frozen conflicts'. In the author's view, "most threatening is the possibility that the EU could collapse, triggering a third unfreezing."

The Moscow Times reports briefly that German lawmakers Marieluise Beck and Volker Beck have criticised Germany's U-turn on a proposed EU visa deal with Russia.

In an article by Nikolai Marchenko, Kommersant reports on developments in Bulgaria and Russian-Bulgarian relations.

Izvestia, in an article by Konstantin Volkov, reports on EU sanctions imposed on Iran's cyber police over the death of an Iranian blogger in prison.

Vedomosti and RBK daily (Handelsblatt) report that prospects for an EU bailout package for Cyprus.

RBK daily and Vedomosti report on the sale of Irish bonds worth 5 billion.

RBK daily reports on the planned sale of Greece's DEPA in an article by Polina Stroganova.

In an editorial, Vedomosti mentions Spain's plan to create jobs for young people.

Kommersant reports on EU-Hungary relations in an article by Yaroslav Shimov.

In an article by Yulia Zabavina, Novye Izvestia reports on an exodus of super-rich from France over the country's tax policy.

RBK daily publishes an interview with French businessman Charles Beigbeder which addresses,among other issues, France's tax policy

Последние объявления

Объявление от 11 июля о конкурсе ППС

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Объявление от 11 июля о выборах заведующих кафедрами

ФГБОУ ВО «Марийский государственный университет» объявляет выборы на замещение должностей заведующих кафедрами


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20 мая 2024 года на платформе Марийского государственного университета состоялась ежегодная Межрегиональная онлайн олимпиада «Науки о Земле».


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