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Приемная комиссия +7 (8362) 641-541, 688-088 prk@marsu.ru

Приемная комиссия +7 (8362) 641-541, 688-088 prk@marsu.ru

Марийский государственный университет
Опорный вуз Марий ЭлУчастник программы "Приоритет 2030"

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования



Dear foreign students!


We invite you to take part in the Intra-University Student Olympiad in General Hygiene and Human Ecology for foreign students (in English), which will be held online (in the Moodle system) from November 1 to November 30, 2022.

Dear foreign students!
Dear foreign students!

The purpose of the Olympiad is to improve knowledge about the patterns of influence of the main environmental factors on human health, increase the interest of foreign students in their chosen profession, increase students' motivation for educational activities, and identify talented students in scientific activities.

The organizer of the Olympiad is the Institute of Natural Sciences and Pharmacy. The head of the organizing committee is Olga Arkadyevna Yagdarova, candidate of biol. Science, associate professor of the Department of Ecology (Appendix 1).

Members of the organizing committee: - Gavrilova Maria Nikolaevna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Life Safety; - Ovchinnikova Elena Sergeevna, biologist of the Department of Ecology. Foreign students of MarSU take part in the Olympiad of their own free will. The Olympiad is held online (in the Moodle system) in one round from November 1 to November 30, 2022. Participation in the Olympiad is free. The acceptance of student papers ends on November 30, 2022 at 17.00 (17.00) hours (Moscow time). Within 3 working days after the end of the Olympiad, the Organizing Committee sends a certificate of participation in the Olympiad to the email address of the supervisor.

Participants complete the tasks of the Olympiad on their own. It is forbidden to copy, copy tasks of participants from each other. If such facts are revealed, these participants lose points and the opportunity to become Winners and Prizewinners of the Olympiad. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad are determined by the best indicators (points) of the performance of competitive tasks and are awarded with diplomas. The winners of the Olympiad are the participants awarded with diplomas of the 1st degree. The winners of the Olympiad are participants awarded with diplomas of II and III degrees. All participants of the Olympiad receive certificates of participation.

Appendix 2 Organizational Committee to prepare and conduct the Intra-University Student Olympiad in General Hygiene and Human Ecology for foreign students (in English) The chairman of the organizing committee is Olga Arkadyevna Yagdarova, candidate of biol. Science, associate professor of the Department of Ecology.

Members of the organizing committee: - Gavrilova Maria Nikolaevna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Life Safety; - Ovchinnikova Elena Sergeevna, biologist of the Department of Ecology.

Последние объявления

Объявление от 11 июля о конкурсе ППС

ФГБОУ ВО «Марийский государственный университет» объявляет конкурс на замещение должностей педагогических работников, относящихся к профессорско-преподавательскому составу


Объявление от 11 июля о выборах заведующих кафедрами

ФГБОУ ВО «Марийский государственный университет» объявляет выборы на замещение должностей заведующих кафедрами


Итоги Межрегиональная онлайн олимпиада «Науки о Земле - 2024»

20 мая 2024 года на платформе Марийского государственного университета состоялась ежегодная Межрегиональная онлайн олимпиада «Науки о Земле».


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